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Performances of aircraft

Performances of aircraft

  • 1 DAAA - Aerodynamics Aeroelasticity Acoustics

    The DAAA (Aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, acoustics department) prepare technological responses for the benefit of industry to improve the Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity and Acoustics performance of aircraft, and address issues of competitiveness as well as societal, environmental and defence needs. This work opens up new paths of research and paves the way for the technologies of tomorrow
  • 2 The ice hunt starts here

    It interfers with the engines, affects the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft, and causes deterioration of the sensors... The variant that causes most degradation of aircraft performance when the temperature is close to zero is called" the runback refreezing barrier"... Then there is glaze ice whereby local trickles of water form horns of ice thus lowering the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft
  • 3 Ceramics are still surprising us

    To improve the performance of aircraft and helicopter engines, the temperature needs to be increased. But then we come up against the limits of the materials used to manufacture the engine