Site Index

High level

High level

  • 1 Wind Tunnels

    Known and recognised throughout Europe, and indeed internationally, they have been the testing ground for some of the aeronautical industry's most celebrated creations, with the precision of these installations and the very high level of technical expertise of their personnel allowing concepts to be tested under optimal conditions
  • 2 Declaration of the International Forum for Aviation Research IFAR

    The second IFAR Summit took place in the frame of the Paris Air show and on invitation of ONERA in Méry-sur-Oise, 18 19 June 2011. The participants represent the heads or the high level representatives from 20 aviation research organisations worldwide... The second IFAR Summit took place in the frame of the Paris Air show and on invitation of ONERA in Méry-sur-Oise, 18- 19 June 2011. The participants represent the heads or the high level representatives from 20 aviation research organisations worldwide
  • 3 Wind Tunnels news

    Known and recognised throughout Europe, and indeed internationally, they have been the testing ground for some of the aeronautical industry's most celebrated creations, with the precision of these installations and the very high level of technical expertise of their personnel allowing concepts to be tested under optimal conditions
  • 4 Onera and Cetim Make a Breakthrough in the Production of Composite Parts

    This democratization of high level aerospace technology to the automotive industry will in return benefit the aeronautical manufacturers and suppliers, which may have large batches to manufacture (for example seats, which contain disadvantageous metal parts). This successful aero / auto skill sharing experience advocates the creation of" a composite" cross-sector, because the pooling of complementary skills would lead to considerable potential gain in performance and productivity
  • 5 Onera invents instant photography of electromagnetic waves

    The field of aerospace research is particularly fertile for these leading edge developments that require time- and patience- and the ability to combine scientific fields at the highest level. Share