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Onera laboratory

Onera laboratory

  • 1 New CEO of DSO National Laboratories, Mr. CHEONG Chee Hoo, welcomed at ONERA on 12 and 13 January 2017

    Mr CHEONG Chee Hoo, new CEO of Singapore's largest national defence R&D organization- DSO National Laboratories- visited ONERA on 12 and 13 January 2017... In addition to the review of various ongoing joint research programs, Mr CHEONG Chee Hoo met the teams of the SONDRA alliance, a laboratory including ONERA, CentraleSupelec, National University of Singapore (NUS) and DSO talents
  • 2 TERRISCOPE, a platform for the development of airborne imagery to benefit society

    TERRISCOPE will in particular function together with LIMA, the ONERA laboratory for the use of remote sensing data, developed with the support of the Midi-Pyrénées region, Toulouse Métropole (the city of Toulouse and some of its suburbs) and the ERDF. LIMA was inaugurated in 2013
  • 3 50 years of laser research at Onera

    Testing fibers of the Institute of Photonic Technology at the Onera laboratory, for the detection of wake vortices from a following aircraft. New laser sources have to be found and developed for all this research
  • 4 Onera spin-off into the world optronics market

    These links are being developed still: extending our partnership on optical communication projects seems to us to be quite natural, and when we obtained European funding in 2008 (Eurostar), we chose to finance the R&D of our project in the Onera laboratories (thesis of Noah Schwartz. Précompensation des effets de la turbulence atmosphérique par optique adaptative- application aux liaisons optiques en espace libre (Pre- compensation of atmospheric turbulence effects by adaptive optics -application to optical links in free space)). Onera's activity on large telescopes and laser propagation provided an excellent framework for the work of this young researcher
  • 5 Micro-turbines, maxi-difficulties

    This chamber serves above to test the manufacturing and measuring methods of ONERA's laboratory. The manufacture of a second, more complex and better performing chamber is underway
  • 6 Nightglow - The light of the night

    The measurements were taken in a near infrared spectral band around 1 6 m, with a camera developed at Onera (Aïquido laboratory)... Camera developed at the Onera Aïquido laboratory (at the center of the plate) installed for this campaign on the Haute Provence Observatory site