Charles Poussot-Vassal

Ph.D. in Control Theory
Engineer in Control and Embedded Systems


Updated publication list (with links) is available on:

Applied research fields

  • Aircraft: dynamical modelling, vibration control, gust load alleviation
  • Automotive: dynamical modelling, semi-active suspension control, global chassis control

Theoretical research fields

  • Dynamical model approximation / reduction: H2-optimal, frequency-limited H2-optimal, iterative approaches, SVD, mixed...
  • Numerical computation: dynamical systems norms computation, linear algebra tools...
  • Control synthesis: H-infinty, H2, Multi-objective, Structured


  • Airbus (model reduction and load control)
  • Dassault-Aviation (model reduction and vibration control)

Software: MORE (MOdel REduction) toolbox


  • You are free to use any of the files of the following toolboxes
     for personal or academic use. The express permission of the authors is required for any commercial use.
  • You can redistribute the toolboxes and their manuals without modification provided that it is for a non commercial purpose. Redistribution in any commercial form including CD-ROM or any other media is hereby forbidden, unless with the express written permission of the authors. Any of your software developments related to this open source download will be available as open source under similar conditions.
  • Neither the authors nor ONERA accept any responsibility or liability with regard to this software that is licensed on an "as is" basis. There will be no duty on authors or ONERA to correct any errors  or defects in the software.


MORE toolbox stands for MOdel REduction Toolbox. It is a Matlab-based (version 2011b) toolbox which aims at approximating medium and large-scale LTI  dynamical systems. No specific Matlab toolbox is required but the classical Control System Toolbox. You can, under use condition terms, freely download the evaluation version.

The toolbox implements many iterative-like methods, known to be much faster and potentially more accurate than standard approaches.

  • The limited version approximates systems up to 50 states, and also handles some stadard COMPleib models for benchmark purpose.
  • The full version has been tested on systems up to 20,000 states and industrial problems encountered in aerospace problems, handles sparse representation, achieves frequency bounded approximation, implements reduction from data and from state-space inputs.


  • The toolbox evaluation version is accessible HERE

C. Poussot-Vassal and P. Vuillemin, "Introduction to MORE: a MOdel REduction Toolbox", in Proceedings of the IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October, 2012, pp. 776-781.

Developped by C. Poussot-Vassal and P. Vuillemin.

If you are interested in using the complete version for industrial/research application, do not hesitate to contact C. Poussot-Vassal.


ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab, DCSD
tel: +33 (0)5 62 25 26 55
charles [dot] poussot-vassal [at] onera [dot] fr