Frank Simon

Research Director

"Multi-Physics for Energetics Department" (DMPE)

Vibroacoustic and aeroacoustic / aircraft internal and external noise

Project manager for "Acoustic, valorization and relationship with Université Fédérale de Toulouse" in DMPE

DMPE scientific responsible for acoustic topic

Coordinator of  IFAR (International Forum for Aviation Research) Noise working Groups

Scientific long stay at "Structural Acoutics Branch" in NASA Langley (2019-2020)

Engineer ENSICA (1989) / PhD in Mechanical Engineering (1997) / HDR (Authorization to supervise PhD research) (2007) / Qualification "Professeur des Universités" section 60 (2016)

(Co-) PhD supervisor (22) / jury member and reviewer PhD / HDR (20)

Contribution to more than 40 publications in journal, more than 100 national and international congress proceedings / 7 patents and associated

Reviewer for various scientific journals (16): JVC, JSV, JFM, JASA, AIAA, MSSP, Applied Acoustics, NCEJ..