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Matmeca is winner of the Equipex call for projects

The Matmeca project, supported by Onera with Mines ParisTech, ENS-LMT-Cachan, Centrale Paris and the Polytechnique as partners, has been selected for the Equipex "Excellence Equipment" call for projects, and has been awarded 4.5 million €. 

24 January 2011

Thursday the 20th of January, 2011, Valérie Pécresse, Minister for Higher Education and Research, and René Ricol, Commissioner General of Investment, unveiled 52 winning projects from the first wave of the Equipex “Excellence Equipment” call for projects. The Matmeca project, supported by Onera with Mines ParisTech, ENS-LMT-Cachan, the Ecole Centrale Paris and the Polytechnique as partners, has been selected and awarded 4.5 million €.

The success of the Matmeca project is the result of considerable work upstream by teams from departments pertaining to the Materials and Structures branch of ONERA and also partner research establishments. Its main scientific theme is concerns the great scientific challenges and the industrial stakes relating to the development, characterization, modeling and simulation of the behavior of materials and structures.

The Equipex call for projects

With a total of one billion Euros available, the Equipex call for projects (“Excellence Equipment”), a category of the “Investments for the Future”, program is intended to help French laboratories to acquire leading-edge scientific equipment, so that they can do research at a world class level, with the purpose of increasing knowledge and innovating.

A total of 336 French projects have been proposed for this first call. The 52 winning projects will share 340 million Euros.

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