
A380 in onera's F1 Windtunnel

April 27, 2005: The A380 Super jumbo makes first flight.
December 19, 2000: the production stage began for the Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger plane, which will also have the lowest per-passenger and per-kilometer operating costs for high load capacity aircrafts.

03 October 2005

copyright © ONERA 1996-2006 - Tous droits réservés L' Airbus A380 en maquette dans la soufflerie F1 du Fauga-Mauzac près de Toulouse (GMT)
copyright © ONERA 1996-2005 - Tous droits réservés
A380 Model
in the Fauga-Mauzac F1 Wind Tunnel near Toulouse (GMT)

A number of significant technological challenges had to be overcome to create the super-jumbo. Airbus laboratories have worked with laboratories from EADS Group, universities and research centers. Airbus has been working in close cooperation with Onera for more than 20 years.

Onera's teams had begun studies which would contribute to define and design the plane even before the "A3XX" project was launched in August 1994. For the last 10 years, some 340 Onera staff members have been involved in the development of the A380. Onera has also provided its outstanding testing facilities and its most sophisticated modeling and simulation tools, which contributed greatly to the success of the A380 program.

Onera's expertise on the A380 program has included the following fields:

Aérodynamique numérique
Numerical Aerodynamics


Prévention du givrage
Ice Formation Prevention


Réduction du bruit
Noise reduction


Couplage aérodynamique / structure  Etude expérimentale du sillage  Etudes numériques pour la réduction de la traînée  Sécurité des systèmes  Aéroélasticité  Prévention contre le foudroiement  Essais de vibration au sol  Elaboration des lois de commande  Résistance des matériaux et des structures  Essais en soufflerie pour la réduction de la traînée  Haut

Aerodynamics-Structure Coupling

Etude expérimentale du sillage
Experimental Wake Analysis


Etudes numériques pour la réduction de la traînée
Drag Reduction
Numerical Simulation

Sécurité des systèmes
Computer Security


Prévention contre le foudroiement
Prevention of Lightning Strikes


Essais de vibration au sol
Ground VibrationTesting
Elaboration des lois de commande
Control Laws


Résistance des matériaux et des structures
Strength of Materials and Structures
Essais en soufflerie pour la réduction de la traînée
Drag Reduction
Wind Tunnel Test


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