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The Thick Level Set (TLS) damage model for an adequate transition to fracture

11 March 2016

Présenté par N. Moës, GeM Institute, UMR CNRS 6183, Ecole Centrale de Nantes

The TLS model was designed to allow for a smooth transition to fracture. It belongs to the family of the non-local damage models and thus introduces a length. The twist in the TLS is that it incorporates geometrical aspects: the shape of the localization zone is located by a level set.
So far, most of the efforts have been concentrated to quasi-brittle fracture. After restating the motivations for the new model, we review the results obtained in these past 5 years. Among other topics the following issues will be addressed:

• Predictive capabilities for crack onsets at notches.
• Capability of the model to reproduce properly size effects
• Theoretical issues regarding boundary conditions (with practical consequences!)
• Capability of the model to take into account concurrent local and non-local developments of damage.
• Comparison with other non-local damage models
• Relationships with the cohesive zone model
• Possibilities offered by the TLS for ductile failure
A set of open issues will also be discussed.


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Moës, N., Stolz, C., Bernard, P.-E., & Chevaugeon, N. (2011). A level set based model for damage growth : the thick level set approach. International Journal For Numerical Methods in Engineering, 86, 358–380.
Parrilla Gómez, A., Moës, N., & Stolz, C. (2015). Comparison between thick level set (TLS) and cohesive zone models. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 2(1), 18. doi:10.1186/s40323-015-0041-9
Moës, N., Stolz, C., & Chevaugeon, N. (2014). Coupling local and non-local damage evolution with The Thick Level Set model. Advanced Modelling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 2(16), 21.
Cazes, F., & Moës, N. (2015). Comparison of a Phase-Field model and of a Thick Level Set model for brittle and quasi-brittle fracture. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 103, 114–143. doi:10.1002/nme

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