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Olivier Herscovici-Schiller

Olivier Herscovici-Schiller

Hanae Labriji’s PhD Defence: October 7th at 1:30 pm Paris time (UTC+1)


ID de réunion: 947 6468 6828
Code secret: Hanae0711

Welcome to my webpage! (Version française au bout de ce lien.)

I am a research scientist at ONERA — the main French aerospace research center, where I work in the Information Processing and Systems Department.

On this webpage, you can find the list of my publications, the courses that I teach, my participation to various organization committees, and a few elements of my CV.

You can click here to contact me by email.

This page was last updated on July 27th 2022

List of publications

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Herscovici-Schiller, Olivier, Gachet, Fabien, Couetdic, Jocelyn, Meyer, Luc et Reynaud, Sébastien, 2022, « A Simple Ionospheric Correction Method for Radar-Based Space Surveillance Systems, with Performance Assessment on GRAVES Data », Advances in Space Research, mai, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2022.05.036.
Labriji, H., Herscovici-Schiller, O. et Cassaing, F., 2022, « Computation of the Lateral Shift Due to Atmospheric Refraction », Astronomy & Astrophysics 662 (juin) p. A61, https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202142338.
Herscovici-Schiller, Olivier, Mugnier, Laurent, Baudoz, Pierre, Galicher, Raphaël, Sauvage, Jean-François et Paul, Baptiste, 2018, « Experimental validation of joint phase and amplitude wave-front sensing with coronagraphic phase diversity for high-contrast imaging », Astronomy & Astrophysics 614 (juin) p. A142, https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201732439.
Herscovici-Schiller, Olivier, Mugnier, Laurent M. et Sauvage, Jean-François, 2017, « An analytic expression for coronagraphic imaging through turbulence. Application to on-sky coronagraphic phase diversity », Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 467 (1) p. L105‑9, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnrasl/slx009.
Herscovici-Schiller, Olivier, Sauvage, Jean-François, Mugnier, Laurent M, Dohlen, Kjetil et Vigan, Arthur, 2019, « Coronagraphic phase diversity through residual turbulence: performance study and experimental validation », Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488 (3) p. 4307‑16, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz1986.

Articles in proceedings of international conferences

Cantalloube, Faustine, Ygouf, Marie, Mugnier, Laurent, Mouillet, David, Herscovici-Schiller, Olivier et Brandner, Wolfgang, 2017, « Status of the MEDUSAE post-processing method to detect circumstellar objects in high-contrast multispectral images. », In Proceedings of the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), https://doi.org/10.26698/AO4ELT5.0136.
Herscovici-Schiller, Oliver, Mugnier, Laurent M., Baudoz, Pierre, Galicher, Raphaël, Sauvage, Jean-François et Paul, Baptiste, 2017, « Focal plane complex wavefront sensing with coronagraphic phase diversity on the THD2 bench », In Proceedings of the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), https://doi.org/10.26698/AO4ELT5.0063.
Herscovici-Schiller, Olivier, Mugnier, Laurent M., Baudoz, Pierre, Galicher, Raphaël, Sauvage, Jean-François, Patru, Fabien, Leboulleux, Lucie, et al., 2018, « Towards the experimental validation of the non-linear dark hole on the THD bench », In Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 10703:738‑51, SPIE, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2314100.
Herscovici-Schiller, Olivier, Mugnier, Laurent M., Sauvage, Jean-François, Duigou, Jean-Michel Le et Cantalloube, Faustine, 2016, « Analytical expression of a long exposure coronagraphic point spread function », In Adaptive Optics Systems V, 9909:1967‑74, SPIE, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2234140.
Herscovici-Schiller, Olivier, Sauvage, Jean-François, Mugnier, Laurent M., Vigan, Arthur et Dohlen, Kjetil, 2017, « Towards on-sky coronagraphic wave-front sensing: Preliminary validation of coronagraphic phase diversity in the presence of residual turbulence », In Proceedings of the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), https://doi.org/10.26698/AO4ELT5.0062.
Mugnier, L. M., Sauvage, J.-F., Herscovici-Schiller, O., Baudoz, P., Galicher, R. et Duigou, J.-M. Le, 2016, « Coronagraphic wavefront sensing with COFFEE: high spatial-frequency diversity and other news », In Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 9904:1089‑98, SPIE, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2233726.

 PhD thesis

O. Herscovici-Schiller, Analyse et correction de surface d’onde post-coronographique pour l’imagerie d’exoplanètes, Thèse de doctorat, Observatoire de Paris (Université Paris Sciences et Lettres), 2018.
The title means “Post-coronagraphic wavefront sensing and control for exoplanet imaging”
You can click here to download the thesis (in French). It can also be downloaded from https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02015796 (still in French).

PhD students and master’s students

Current PhD students

I am co-supervisor (~70%) of Hanae Labriji's thesis, directed by Frédéric Cassaing, on shadow imaging of satellites. The defense is planned for September 2023.

I am co-supervisor (~30%) of the thesis of Yann Gutierrez, directed by Laurent Mugnier and co-supervised by Baptiste Abeloos and Johan Mazoyer, on the design of an AI for post-coronographic wavefront control. The defense is planned for September 2025.



Previous master’s students

Internship on the mathematical properties of propagation operators in coronagraphic imaging (Florent Dupont, École des mines de Paris, M1 level, July to August 2021).

Internship on data processing of a telescope dedicated to space surveillance (Iwan Quemada, University of Paris, M2 level, March to September 2021). Co-supervision with Frédéric Cassaing.

Internship on the creation of a Python program for wavefront sensing for exoplanet imagers (Sandrine Juillard, ENSEIRB-MATMECA, M2 level, February to July 2021).

Internship on satellite shadow imaging (Sacha Redel, Sorbonne University, M2 level, March to July 2020).

Internship on the processing of data acquired on the SPHERE instrument of the Very Large Telescope to compare two wave surface analysis methods (Stéphane Son, Denis Diderot engineering school, M1 level, June and July 2019).


Courses taught and organizations


I teach wavefront sensing to master’s students in their last year at Observatoire de Paris since Spring 2020. It consists in a day of theoretical and hands-on work.

I teach signal processing to first year students (third year of undergraduate studies) at École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées since Spring 2019. It consists in about twenty-four hours of exercise sessions.

I teach mathematical statistics to second year students (first year of master’s) at École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées since Fall 2022. It consists in about twelve hours of exercise sessions

I am responsible for the course on Kalman filter and optimal control to second year students (first year of master’s) at Université Paris VII – Denis Diderot. It consists in about twenty-four hours of lessons, exercise sessions, practice with Matlab, and exam.

I was previously a teaching assistant for computer laboratory sessions in control theory at Université Paris VII – Denis Diderot (about thirty hours with third year undergraduate students).

I was a mathematics teacher in high school for a year.


I was a member of the organizing committee of the 2017 Elbereth conference, which is a yearly conference for young researchers in the astrophysics laboratories of the Paris area.

I partircipated in the 2018 evaluation of the école doctorale d’astronomie et astrophysique d’Île-de-France (graduate school of astrophysics of the Paris area) HCERES (evaluation institution of the ministry of research).

I have organized the weekly seminar of my laboratory during one year.

While I was a student, I was a member of the board of directors of the Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace as the representative of Supaéro students. I also had various responsibilities in student societies.

Education and former positions

I am a former student of classes préparatoires scientifiques (undergraduate studies which correspond to the first two years of college) at lycée Fénelon (Paris). I was admitted to Supaéro, the leading French school of aerospace engineering, from which I graduated with an engineer’s degree (master’s degree), having specialized in astrophysics, design of space systems, and applied mathematics. In parallel of my studies at Supaéro, I graduated with a master’s degree in pure and applied mathematics from the Institut de mathématiques de Toulouse at Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, with a specialization in analysis of partial differential equations, numerical analysis, and optimization.

I taught mathematics for a year at lycée Maurice Ravel de Paris.

I then did a PhD in astronomy with Laurent Mugnier (ONERA) and Jean-François Sauvage (ONERA & laboratoire d’astrophysique de Marseille, CNRS/AMU). My PhD work was funded by the Centre national d’études spatiales (the French space agency) and ONERA. I also taught signal processing for about twenty to thirty hours a year at Université Paris VII – Denis Diderot while I was working towards my PhD.

Since 2018, I am a research scientist in signal processing for space systems at ONERA.