Marc Boyer

Marc Boyer Home page


Marc Boyer
2, av Edouard Belin
31055 TOULOUSE Cedex 4
Tel: (33)



Research area: formal methods for communicating embedded systems

I am working on architectures and formal methods for communicating embedded systems: from theoretical studies on models (mainly network calculus) to network themselves (AFDX and TSN mainly)

Conference service

Scientific committee ERTS (2012, 2014, 2016), Co-chair Workshop WCTT (2010,2011), RTNS Co-Chair (2024)

Conference PC membership

DATE (2018), ECRTS (2022), ERTS (2018, 2022), ETFA/RTSA (2024), ETFA/VES (2021, 2022), RTAS (2023, 2024), RTNS (2018,2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024), WFCS (2020), Workshop NetCal (2018), WoNeCa (2022), ISORC (2022)

I also sometime contributes to Wikipedia when I am too upset by what is written.

Open PhD positions

There are two open PhD positions.


I teach mainly protocol engineering (specification, V cycle, SDL) in the Telecommunications and Networks department at ENSEEIHT.

I also teach embedded networks at EUROSAE and Junia/HEI: MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429/DITS, CAN, ARINC 825, TTP, ARINC 664/AFDX, TTEthernet, SpaceWire, FlexRay...
I also have done some TSN-specific courses: a TSN overview done in the EDEN projet of the IRT St Exupery and Analysing TSN within network calculus framework at the french real-time summer school Ecole d'été Temps Réel, #ETR2021

PhD students

Publications and talks

For copyright reasons, some papers are not freely downloadable.
Nevetheless, because I am the author, I can always send you a private copy.
So, email me if needed. You may also find a list of papers on my HAL page.


[Network calculus]  [Embedded Networks]

Publications related to network calculus

Publications related to embedded networks


Tools and code


NC-maude have been developped to allow to play with Network Calculus. Current version is 1.9.5. You will need the Maude tool to use it.

You can have a look here to get my feedback on the use of rewriting language in this project.

C++ Code : CheckedNumeric

CheckedNumeric<T> is a C++ class that behaves like a numerical type, but with a checking of overflow and underflow, and throwing of an exception when the results is out of bounds.
Code example:

CheckedNumeric<unsigned int> x,y;
cout<<++x;  // Outputs 2
x=y-1;      // Throw a CheckedNumeric<unsigned int>::numeric_overflow exception

You can download the sources.

C Code : The Basic Preprocessed Library

The Basic Preprocessed Library: this is an attempt of having a set of container and algorithms (like the STL in C++) type-safe and efficient in C, using the preprocessor.
You can browse the documentation: a short user manual and developper manual, and download the sources.
Any feedbacks are welcome!

Old publications and talks (1998-2009)

For copyright reasons, some papers are not freely downloadable.
Nevetheless, because I am the author, I can always send you a private copy.
So, email me if needed.

Old Publications

[Timed PN]  [Verification of protocols [QoS dynamic renegociation]

Publications related to verification of protocols

Publications related to timed Petri nets

Publications related to QoS dynamic renegociation


  • RHDM02: Modélisation d'architectures multimédias
    Transparents présentés lors de l'école d'été Réseaux Haut-Débits et Multimédia (RHDM02). Cette présentation fait le point, en 2002, des problèmes de modélisation d'application multimédia, et présente une piste de solution. Cela correspond au dernier chapitre de ma thèse (Slides).
  • Phd Thesis (2001)
    As the thesis itself is written in french, its presentation also is.

    J'ai soutenu ma thèse (le 2 juillet 2001). Vous pouvez télécharger le résumé, ou le texte complet. -- Slides

    Vous pouvez aussi consulter ma fiche sur MathDoc.

Resilient TSN industrial challenge


Logo-ONERA Projet-ResTSN



The project "Resilient TSN" is a french project (ANR-22-ASTR-0017) devoted the reconfiguration of TSN networks.

An "Industrial challenge" is proposed to the academic community. This challenge is part of the ECRTS industrial challenges.

Here can be found

  • The technical report presenting the global architecture and the problems to be solved;
  • The datatset giving the list of network elements, the topology and the data flows.

Any discussion related to this challenge is supposed to take place on the ecrts-industrial-challenge google group.